Can we find a custom field number in the CRM by its name? and can we find the name of the field if we know the field number?
Yes, you can find the custom field name by its field number and field number by its field name in the CRM system
Let's check it with an example
User has a field number of a custom field created in the project task module (i.e. CF_1805) and wants to search for the related field name. Here is process how they can find it
Go to the module, in this case it is project tasks and open new record creation window
2. Right click on screen and choose "Inspect" option
The following window will appear
3. Hover mouse cursor to the element section and press CTRL+F, a search bar will start appearing at the bottom of the window
4. Type in the field number in the search bar "CF_1805" and press enter. Keep hitting enter until you see result similar to the one shown in below image. Once you hover mouse cursor on the result, it will highlight the field in upper half window
This shows that the name of the field is "Engagement specialist"
Follow the above mentioned step up to step 3. After that, search the field name in the search bar and in the result it will show the field number. Here is a screenshot for reference
How to find a custom field number by its name in CRM and vice versa
Moved by
Chris (August 24, 2024)
Charts feature of the Project module does not populate the chart even though all the requirements are fulfilled
This issue is the default vTiger CRM issue that it does not populate the chart when the chart button is clicked
You have to refresh the page chart page only then it will populate the chart and diagram view will be called up
Charts do not populate in the Projects module
Moved by
Chris (March 27, 2024)
How can we remove the Vtiger CRM side menu
We do not advise to completely remove the side menu as it can cause UI issues. The way around is to disable the button (it does not click anything). That way the UI remains the same and does not need to be fixed.
We can fix it for you, but it will be a billable task and will cost $350.
How can we check the current PHP version of the CRM system?
You can find the PHP version of the CRM system by using the following two methods
Using the CRM URL, add phpinfo.php to the CRM URL will take you to the page where you can see the PHP version
Through SSH, run the following command and it will show the current PHP version of the system
Command: php -v
How to remove side menu from the CRM
Moved by
Chris (March 24, 2024)
How to check the PHP version of your CRM system?
Moved by
Salman (March 08, 2024)
A limitation of Vtiger CRM workflows is that it does not allow to create more than 10 scheduled workflows. How to resolve it?
VTiger CRM limits the scheduled workflows to 10 only, but it can be increased easily. It was done intentionally, to limit the resource consumption by the CRM system
Following are the two methods using which you can increase the scheduled workflow limit
Go to
Make the changes in line 113
Go to config.inc.php. and set the limit as per your requirement, for example in the below command we want to increase it to 15
How to increase the scheduled workflow limit (by default its 10) in Vtiger CRM
Moved by
Chris (September 23, 2024)
This articles explains how decimal places works in Vtiger
Here are some general rules regarding the decimal place configuration in Vtiger CRM
The settings in the user preference specifically and only apply to "Currency" field.
2. The settings for Decimal fields are done in the "Fields and Layout Editor" and the "User Preferences" settings do not apply (as explained in #1)
3. Truncate Trailing zero setting is also applied only to the Currency field.
4. All of the above changes are only UI related. The database has the complete value and neither of these settings apply to the DB settings
This articles explains how decimal places works in Vtiger
Moved by
Chris (June 20, 2024)
Is there any security issue if VTiger is running on older php versions
Kindly, make sure to take the following precautionary measures (sorted by the most important first) to make your CRM system more secure
Do not easy to guess user/pass: admin/admin, test/test, demo/demo, etc..
Deactivate any test/developer/temporary users.
Not use the same 'admin' password across multiple instances
Do not use your own email to test MailConverter, MailManager, Outgoing EMail Server. (This is extremely important. If someone breaches your vtiger instance && there is an email account, they can download/search messages for certain strings to locate other instances).
Have proper .htaccess restrictions, where folders cannot be viewed
Add 2-FA through Cloudflare
If you had #6 added (2faCloudflaree), everything else would not matter, because Cloudflare 2fa works as a VPN without VPN's usability issues.
Steps to fortify VTiger security
Moved by
Chris (March 02, 2024)
How can a user move a module from one category to a different category in Vtiger?
Main menu configuration allows user to move a module up and down in the que, but does not allow to move one module from one section to another, here is a video for clarification
It can be done through database
Make the changes in the table: vtiger_app2tab
22 is the tabid for the "Sales Order" module in our example
How to move a module from one category to another
Moved by
Chris (May 20,2024)
Does Vtiger allow configuring different tax regions, if yes then how?
Yes, Vtiger CRM allows configuring different tax regions using the tax management
Using this feature you can configure different tax regions and calculate the tax in quotes, invoices, sales order, purchase order
Here is a complete video showing how can you configure different tax regions and how can you use it
VTiger default
Configuring Tax Region and using it in Vtiger
Moved by
Salman (September 02, 2024)
How can a user add or remove columns from a related module view?
For example, user want to remove the primary email column when accessing the contacts through organizations as a related module. Here is a screenshot for further clarification.
You can remove it by going to the properties of that field using Module layout and Fields
Here is a video showing how you can remove a column from a related module view
Here is a video showing how you can add a column from a related module view
VTiger default
How to add and remove columns of a related module
Moved by
Chris (September 02, 2024)
What is the length of the description field in opportunities and can I increase it?
The default length of the description field in the opportunities is 16,777,215 characters, as it is a medium text field and it is good enough for the normal usage
Check the following video to see the visual representation of how many characters a description field in opportunities can hold
Still if you want to increase its length, that can also be done using the following
ALTER TABLE vtiger_crmentity
MODIFY COLUMN description
longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL ; query
Using the query the length of the description field in the opportunities can be increased to 4,294,967,295 characters
Can you add my tax number or VAT on my invoices for the Tax purposes? If yes how can it be added to the past invoices?
For the Tax ID, you can give us the ID and we can add them to your account. However, all of above the information will reflect in future invoice.
For past invoices (In critical situations): The invoices that have been already generated, you can send them over to us and we will update them for you accordingly
Can I add TAX filer number on the invoice?
Moved by
Chris (August 26, 2024)
Sometimes user want to search the records, except the records that are assigned to a specific user only
How can a user search records except the records assigned to a specific user?
Users can use the conditional search and add the condition to not include the records assigned to a specific user
In this example, we will search all the contacts, except the contacts that are assigned to user named as "Borg Dugget"
Now, we will set the condition to exclude the tickets assigned to user Cher Hugill
The search will show all the tickets except the tickets assigned to Cher Hugill
Percentage type fields do not show decimal values and round it off
It is a generic issue, Sometimes saving a records shows an error instead of saving the record
Sometimes saving a records shows an error instead of saving the record
Here is a screenshot of the error faced while saving an opportunity
This issue is caused when the sql_mode is set to STRICT
To resolve this issue. Kindly, disable the sql_mode STRICT. This can be done by editing the Mysql Config file
It is a generic issue, Sometimes saving a records shows an error instead of saving the record
Moved by
Chris (11 Nov 2024)
How to change the privilege of a field, whose privilege button is not moving (transparent)
User want to make a field from write to read only, but fails to do so. Because, the privilege switch button of a field cannot be moved and is transparent. As shown in the image
The reason behind this behavior of the switch button is, that the field for which user is trying to change the privilege is a mandatory field. If a field is mandatory then its privilege cannot be changed
To solve this problem, go to layout editor and uncheck the mandatory field feature for that field
Once done now, you can change the privilege for that field
Once done, user can go to the module layout and fields and change the make the field mandatory
Email will be sent to everyone in the follow list, except the updater, when record is updated (that is, for every little update or just when record is edited and saved button clicked?) Email is sent to followers, except the updater: Correct. Email is sent ONLY when at least ONE field has changed. Email is NOT sent when none of the fields have changed (except "Modified Time/Modified By) Here is an example: for 1 email will not be sent and for 2 email will be sent
Follow feature not sending emails to the followers? It is a standard Vtiger issue and we can resolve it for you as per incident support
Can a user use “follow list” on workflows so he/she can send notifications to followers on time interval basis?
Currently this is not supported in Standard Vtiger. But, we can customize this feature for you this feature.
When doing multiple updates on a record within, let’s say, one to five minutes interval, will the followers receive one email for each update or a single email comprising the updates made since the last cron job execution?
The email is sent ON SAVE, meaning if you edit+save records 2x times within 1 minute, you will get 2x emails
We can add interval based notifications. but, it will be a billable support and will cost $750.
The assigned user do not receive notifications in the same way the followers do, but only through workflows. Right?
Yes, the assigned to user do not receive notification in same manner as followers. But, we can customize this feature for you where the assigned to user will be treated as follower as well, but it will be a billable task and will cost $500
Can we automatically add some of the users in the follow list upon creation of a record?
This is not available in standard Vtiger, however we can customize this feature for $400
Can all the participants of a group (e.g. Sales team) added to the followers list once a new record is created, while the user who created the record is not part of that group?
Yes, this can be done through customization, it will cost $350
Currently, in VTiger, when you open any module and try to add a related module, it opens a quick create popup, instead of going to the full form. Some of the companies/users do not prefer that outcome and want to move to full form straight.
How to remove Quick Create feature for any module? The aim is to remove a specific module from the Quick Create list as well as when adding as a new related record to another module.
Go to add this: modules/YOUR_MODULE/models/Module.php
Add following function to your custom_module/Models/Module.php
How to Remove Quick Create For Individual Standard & Custom Modules In VTiger
Moved by
Chris (09, Jan 2025)
This article focuses on some of the main reasons that cause CRM system to be slow and What we can do in this regard
With the increase of database size with the passage of time
Too many records in a module/related module
Too many custom permissions/sharing rules
Too many active users in CRM
Server specs are lower than required
Customizations done to the CRM in inappropriate way
Too many 3rd party modules installed
Too many external integrations done that are syncing data in a shorter duration.
Several others
Login screen (before login) takes too long
After login - landing to Dashboard
After login - landing to a module’s listview
Opening a specific module’s listview
Opening listview of all modules
Opening a record’s summary view
Opening a record’s detail view
Going to edit mode of a record
Saving a record
Opening a report
Opening a 3rd party module
In VTiger, You can Remove Modules for related module list. This feature helps user to remove the unwanted modules from the related module list to keep it small and simple.
Go to the “Menu” and select “CRM Settings“
Under “Module Management” select “Module Layout And Fields“. Select the “Module” and click on the “Relationship” tab and than you can remove the relationship of the module by clicking on the “X” sign on the right side. You can also rearrange the by using drag and drop.
You can also add the “Module” again after deleting it.
How to Remove Certain Modules from Related Module List
Moved by
Chris (10 Jan, 2025)
In vtiger is it possible to set that new tickets are always assigned to a specific group by default?
Open the group and note down the groupid (3)
2. Run a query:
Now if you go to Layout Editor, you will see the Assigned to with a default value
How the new ticket is always assigned to a specific group by default
Created by
Chris (13 Jan, 2025)
The user has the admin rights and it still can't see the add mailbox button in the mail converter
There's a limit to how many mailboxes you can configure by default.
The limit is configured in
You can change the limit
Why can't we seem to find the add mailbox button in the mail converter?
Miscellaneous vTiger issues
Created by
Chris (13 Jan, 2025)
You can set different Default Terms and Condition For Different Modules. This feature save the hassle of the user to change the terms and condition every time for different module.
Go to the “Menu” and select “CRM Settings“.
Under “Inventory” select “Terms and Conditions” and then select the “Module” and write the terms and condition in the space given below.
Here you can see the the “Terms and Conditions” while creating the new “Invoice“.
Unlike all other fields where the default value is set in Field Editor – this field has it’s own area for default value
Change Default Terms And Conditions For Invoice/Quote/Sales And Purchase Order In VTiger
Moved By
Chris (Jan 10, 2025)
Can we turn off the counter label from the related module?
Yes, you can turn off the counter label from the related module. Below, you will find the solution
File: ../vtigercrm/modules/Vtiger/actions/RelatedRecordsAjax.php
Look for function getRelatedRecordsCount.
Add highlighted code as in the screenshot:
How to turn off the counter label from the related modules
Miscellaneous Vtiger Issues
Created By
Chris (Jan 16, 2025)
Can we rearrange different modules in Vtiger?
For example, a user wants that in their CRM, whenever he opens Contacts module, the relationship of Contacts with Tickets is prioritized. It might be possible that to access the Tickets through Contacts, one has to click more and then select the tickets. But now, the user wants to place the tickets before any other module. e.g. in this case the user wants to place tickets before documents.
To do so, user have to change the relationship order with that specific module through Module Layout & Fields. In this case, we will open the Module Layout & Fields for Contacts and then change the order of its relationship with tickets.
Go to Settings > Module Management > Module Layout & Fields
Now all the relationships can be seen in this window
Then simply drag the the relationship with secondary module (i.e. Tickets in this example) and place it where do you want it to appear
Now, go to the Contacts and check the Tickets module placement
Rearranging different modules in Vtiger as related module can save time, which can be invested in other productive tasks.
Then select the Relationships Tab (you can also check the standard Vtiger module relationships by following this ) In the Select Module, choose the module on which you are working (i.e. in this case it is Contacts)
How to rearrange differnet module in Vtiger
Moved By
Chris (26 Jan, 2025)
VTiger 7.4 introduced some new email actions functions, one of them is substring. Using the substring function, now user can calculate birthday and send email in Vtiger 7.4 using workflow.
Can we calculate Birthday and send email to customers in Vtiger?
Yes, you can calculate Birthday and send in Vtiger.
Let’s take a look at how user can calculate a records birthday and send an automated email with birthday wishes to that client.
In order to do so, first you have to create three more fields in addition to the default Birthday field
1- Date of birth: This fields shows the actual date of birth of the contact
2- Today – Month Date: You have to create a text type field, that will show current month and todays date
3. Birthday – Month Date: You have to create a text type field, that will show the birthday month and date
4. Is birthday today: This is a text field, whose value will be either “Yes” or “No” depending if its contacts birthdate today or not
Workflow 1: This workflow will, update the fields (Today-Month Date, Birthday-Month Date and Is Birthday today?)
Workflow2 : This workflow will send out an automated email when the value of picklist “Is Birthday Today” is set to “Yes”, wishing them happy birthday
Provide the details regarding Workflow Name, Description, Target Module and Status in Basic Information section
In workflow trigger, choose the time interval option for “rigger Workflow On”. Choose “Daily” in “Run Workflow field” as the workflow will execute on daily basis and determine the birthdays of the contacts. Set a time on which the workflow will be executed
Add condition according to your requirement. In this example there is no condition configured
Work Actions: In work actions, user need to configure three actions
Update Field “Today-Month Date”: Using substring expression, the value of the month and the date of today’s date will will be calculated in field “Today-Month Date”. The format of the value will be MM-DD, as the database reads the date in this format. The expression that we will use is “substring(string,start,end)”, in this example it is “substring(get_date(‘Today’),5,10)” Note: 5, 10, specifies that character whose values will be captured, in this case it is from Character5 to Character10. For example, if today is 2022-01-01 (YYYY-MM-DD), then it will capture 01-01 (MM-DD), as we configured start as 5 and end as 10 for the string
Update field “Birthday-Month Date”: Now configure second action, use the substring expression, to determine the month and date of birthdate and update it in field “Birthday-Month Date”
Update field “Is Birthday Today?”: Compare the values of fields “Today-Month Date” with “Birthday-Month Date”. if yes then select “Yes” in “Is Birthday Today?” else “No”
This workflow is a simpler one. This workflow will check the value of “Is Birthday Today?” field and if it is “Yes” then send an email to the contact with Birthday wishes
Fill in the Basic details
Configure the the workflow trigger based on time interval *Make sure that this workflow is executed at a later time as compared to the first workflow. As, in this example it is 10:00 AM for the second workflow and 09:00 AM for the first workflow
Configure condition. If “Is Birthday Today?” is “Yes”
Configure Actions for this workflow: Send email to the contact with Birthday Wishes
In this example the today’s date is is 05-01-2022 and the workflow one is executed
Date of Birth: Date of Birth is set to 25-01-2022
Today – Month Date: After the workflow execution that value is calculated as 01-05 as today is 05 of Jan
Birthday – Month Date: After the workflow execution that value is calculated as 01-25 as contacts birthday is 25 Jan
Is birthday today: As today is different from birthday so the value of this field is set to “No”
So in this example, todays and birthday field value were not same, that is why no email will be sent
In this example the today’s date is is 05-01-2022 and the workflow one is executed
Date of Birth: Date of Birth is set to 05-01-2022
Today – Month Date: After the workflow execution that value is calculated as 01-05 as today is 05 of Jan
Birthday – Month Date: After the workflow execution that value is calculated as 01-05 as contacts birthday is 05 Jan
Is Birthday Today?: As the current date and Birthdate is same except years that is why the value of this field is set to “Yes”
So in this example, todays and birthday field values are same, that is why email is sent to the contact
The preview of the received email is as follows
How To Calculate Birthday And Send Email In Vtiger
Moved By
Chris (29 Jan, 2025)
Is there a way to add tags to any record in Vtiger?
Yes, you can add tags to any record in Vtiger
The steps are as follows
In record summary view click on the “Add Tag” button to create a new tag.
Add a Tag Name.
Check box “Public Tags“. Public tags (Shared Tags) are shared with all users.
Here you can see a tag is created.
vTiger Customer Portal modules does not come standard with the install and requires some skill to install, configure and set it up.
The first thing you will need to do is configure permissions. To do so, go to “CRM Settings” > “Other Settings” > “Customer Portal”.
Privileges – The selected role field permissions will be applied to the Customer Portal user. For example, if you setup the Role so it can not modify specific field – the same permissions will be applied to the Customer Portal Users.
Default Assignee – Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.
Portal URL – The URL which Customer Portal users will be accessing the portal. We will come back to this as we start configuring the backend of the portal.
Moving down to the individual modules, you will be able to specify more detailed permissions as well as the order.
Module Name – The name of the module, you can drag and drop to reorder the sequence.
Enable Module – Module can either be enabled or disabled in the customer portal.
See Records across Organization – Either to allow Customer Portal user to see his organization records or not.
Once the Customer Portal permissions have been configured we can now move on to the Customer Portal Installation and setup for the end user to login.
vTiger Customer Portal Module can be downloaded at official vTiger website. Direct link to the download section is:
Under ‘vTiger CRM Extensions‘ you will see the “Customer Portal” module. Download the zip file to your server. In this guide we place the customer portal in /vtigercrm/portal directory.
We’ve downloaded the Customer Portal and placed it into /vtigercrm/portal, now you need to configure customer portal access links.
Open /vtigercrm/portal/PortalConfig.php and adjust the following variables:
$Server_Path =””;
Should be the link to your vTiger. In this case our link to vTiger is “http://demo.vTigerExperts.com/vtigercrm”, so it should look like this:
$Server_Path =”http://demo.vTigerExperts.com/vtigercrm”;
* Make sure NOT to include index.php in the URL.
$Authenticate_Path = “”;
Should be a link to the Authentication file in the vtigercrm/portal/ directory, in this case – it will be:
$Authenticate_Path = “http://demo.vTigerExperts.com/vtigercrm/portal”;
Once those 2 links have been configured, let’s move on and configure the link to the Customer Portal. The link has to be set in vtigercrm/config.inc.php file, so open /vtigercrm/config.inc.php, find:
$PORTAL_URL = ‘http://vtiger.com/customerportal’;
And change it to
$PORTAL_URL = ‘http://demo.vTigerExperts.com/vtigercrm/portal’;
This will be the link that your customers will use to login into the Customer Portal.
Once that is done, find the contact you would like to enable Customer Portal Access to, open the record and check the “Customer Portal User” checkbox. Specify the from/to date that the customer can access the portal.
Shortly after you save the contact – you(your contact) will receive an email with username, password and link to log in. Follow the instructions to login and you(your contact) should be able to see Tickets, FAQs(Knowledge Base), Invoices, Quotes, Products, Services, Documents, Contacts, Organisation details, Projects & Assets.
Can we generate a purchase order from a sales order?
To generate a purchase order for a sales order, select the sales order, click on More, and then select the Create Purchase Order option within the sales order.
We will take a practical example to explain it in detail
Lets generate a sales order of 20 wallets. The subject of the order is LW wallets, while the organization is Systematrix
The sales order is for wallets and the quantity of order is 20 units
Now, we have a Sales Order of 20 wallets in our CRM, from the organization Systematrix (i.e. our buyer)
To generate a purchase order in respect to above mentioned sales order. Go to, LW wallets sales order. Use More button and choose the Create Purchase Order feature
It will take you to the purchase order editing page. The Subject will remain same as your Sales Order
Now we have to select the appropriate vendor from whom we buy this type of products
The address will be changed accordingly
The Name of item will remain the same
By default system will set the quantity equal to the quantity of sales order, but it can be changed
Provide the Price at which we will be buying the items from the vendors in the List Price field
Click on the save button to generate the purchase order.
Furthermore,we can find both Sales order and Purchase order in their respective lists
For Sales order go to Menu > Inventory > Sales order and you can find this purchase order in the list
In this article, we will check how to install vTiger CRM system (Open Source) on Debian 11 server. We will be using LAMP Stack for the installation.
For installing the vTiger CRM system (Open source) you need to fulfill the following specs
Linux server Debian 11
A user with root privileges
Domain name pointed to your server
The very first step in installing vTiger CRM system is to install the LAMP Stack on Debian server
First, make sure that your Debian repository is updated by executing the following command
Once done, now install some packages and LAMP Stack using the following command
After the installation of LAMP Stack and some other packages, execute the following command to check the Apache2 and MariaDB status
Make sure, that it shows the status of Apache2 and MariaDB as “Active”
The second step encompasses configuring and setting up he MariaDB server
Use nano editor to make changes in the MariaDB configurations
Make the following changes in the mysqld section
sql_mode = “” Save the changes in the file and restart the MariaDB by executing the following command, so that the new changes can take effect
Afterwards we have to secure the Maria DB server, for that use the following commands, it will help in making it secure
Set MariaDB configuration as below Enter current password for root (enter for none): Just press the Enter Set root password? [Y/n]: Y New password: Re-enter new password: Remove anonymous users? [Y/n]: Y Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n]: Y Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n]: Y Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n]: Y
In third step, PHP configurations will be done
Use the nano editor to make changes in /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini file Make the following changes in the default configurations
Save the changes by pressing CTRL+X and then Y
Now restart the the Apache2 using following command
In this step we will be creating Vtiger CRM database, vTiger user and vTiger password
First access the database server (Maria DB), for the password use the password that you have configured in step 2
To create a database, user and vtiger password using following command
Once done exit the MariaDB shell
Next step is to download and install the vTiger CRM (open source) on the server. Here, we will be downloading the vTiger CRM 7.4.0, as it is the latest version of the Vtiger
Use the command wget to download the vTiger CRM
Once the download is completed, now extract the vTiger open source by executing the below command
Once done, set the correct permissions for the files. it will help in changing the ownership of the directory vtigercrm. It will make sure that the source codes can be read by the Apache2
In next step, we have to include the DocumentRoot directory to the Virtual Host configurations. As of now, DocumentRoot directory for the installtion of vtiegr CRM is /var/www/vtigercrm.
Now, we will configure the apache for virtual host
First make sure to execute the following command before configuring the virtual host, in order to to enable required modules for the vTiger CRM
Create a new configuration file by the name of vtigercrm.conf, for Vtiger crm using the following command
Configure the following conditions in the config file. Make sure to change SSL certificate paths and domain name
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName example.io Redirect permanent / https://example.io/ </VirtualHost>
<VirtualHost *:443> ServerAdmin admin@example.io DocumentRoot /var/www/vtigercrm ServerName example.io
Protocols h2 http/1.1
SSLEngine On SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.io/fullchain.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.io/privkey.pem
<Directory /var/www/vtigercrm/> Options +FollowSymlinks AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory>
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/vtigercrm_error.log CustomLog /var/log/apache2/vtigercrm_access.log combined </VirtualHost>
Save and exit from configuration editor.
After that, run the below provided command to enable the virtual hosts
A “Syntax Ok” message will be shown on the window, affirming that Apace2 configuration are correct.
Restart the Apace2 service
In this step, we will be finalizing the vTiger CRM installation
Go to your domain (that you have configured in previous steps) and the CRM installation will be accessible from there
An installation wizard will be opened. Click on the install button
Read the terms and conditions and click on the “I Agree” to proceed
Click “Next”, if all the requirements are fulfilled
Provide the system configurations. Provide details like host name, username, password, currency etc.
Double check the installation settings and click “Next”
Select the industry for which you are implementing the vTiger CRM system
CRM installation wizard will start showing the installation progressIn next screen, make sure to select the modules that you are going to use
System dashboard will be shown, on installation completion
Workflows play a vital role in sending automated emails. In this article we will look at Troubleshooting Email Workflows in VTiger
What is Email Workflow?
An automated email is sent when a specific condition is met. Email will be only sent if a specified email is fulfilled.
When the condition is met the email will not be sent right-away, in fact it will be added in a queue and will be sent once the VTiger cron-job is executed
A Basic Example how to set a simple Email Workflow.
We are setting a simple email workflow, it will send an email to the respective contact email id whenever the phone no is changed or updated.
Following are the basic details regarding the workflow we are going to set up and when will it trigger
Following is the condition i.e. When Office phone is changed
Following is the action that will be executed when the condition is fulfilled. In add action drop down menu select Send Mail
Following is the email body and the details of email id to which email will be sent
If the From and To email contains some special characters or are invalid then the email will not be send. Receiver will not get any email and there will no error message or error log generated for such issues.
When a workflow is executed the email is not sent immediately. In-fact the email is added into a queue and is sent when the con job runs. So, it will take some time for the recipient to receive the email and is effected by the time configured on the cron job
If you want to send an email to more then one user then make sure to separate both the addresses with a comma (,). If you separate both the email addresses using a semicolon (;) then it will break and will not generate email and receiver will not receive any email. The highlighted in green is the correct format and the format highlighted in red is incorrect. No error messages will be generated for this problem
Not configuring the SMTP is another very common reason of mails not being sent when the workflows are executed. So, in order to send automated emails through workflows make sure that the SMTP is configured and working
Sometimes, automated email workflows fail to send emails when there is a mismatch in email configured in SMTP and the admin profile email I.D.
If you assign a record to a group and you have to send email to Assigned to of that record, then email workflow will send email to all the members of that group. For example their is a group named Team selling
A test contact named Rob Greenway is assigned to the Team selling
while setting workflow for an email you set the assigned to (primary email) in the for field of email body, then workflow will send email to all the participants of that group
So, be very carefull while configuring automated email workflows where the recipient is a member of a group
Never leave the From Email empty. In worst case scenario choose the Help desk Support Email id
But for this to work make sure that you have provided information in Configuration Editor. If configuration editor is empty then mails will not be sent. Helpdesk support Email-id will use information specified in configuration editor. The email I.D provided in the Helpdesk support Email I.D should match the Outgoing server ID
If the cron job is not configured the scheduler will look like the image provided below
The email will not be sent manually through the sent email button on a module, if the cron jobs are not functional?
We will take an instance where cron jobs are not configured to check this issue
then we tried to send the email through sent email button on a module, it failed to send the email.
After that just to troubleshoot, outgoing server is set-up
Once the outgoing server is set, mail was sent successfully
The reason behind the issue of emails not being sent manually is most probably caused by not setting up the outgoing server rather then faulty or non-configured cron jobs
When email is sent through the email workflow, it is sent from the admin user. For example a workflow is set up by a user A, and when it trigger the workflow. The email will be sent through the admin user instead of the user A. This is the reason that when you will check the updates part of that record upon which workflow is executed you will see all the emails from the Admin rather then the user A. The reason behind using the Admin user is that it has all the permissions.
In VTiger no solid mechanism exists in regard to the email logging. Their is no record that tells which emails are sent, which are failed and which are still in queue. Currently you can only check the emails that are being sent successfully and it can be checked through email history. If an attempt to send an email is failed, then their exists no data to confirm weather the attempt is failed or succeeded.
Before you can create the username and password for your customers, you have to make sure that you have configured your . It is necessary to send out the email with the credentials to the contact.
A fix for this problem has been provided by the Vtiger team. You can find the solution details here:
Some customers report that their emails are not going out or some certain emails fail to be sent upon workflow execution. A very common reason behind this problem is that the Cron jobs are either not running in timely manner or they are not configured at all. Check wheather the are configured or not. To check it go to the Scheduler. Check for the Workflow in the scheduler and check if there is any value in last scan ended, usually it should be less then 15 minutes. It shows when was the last time Cron job was run for the Workflows. If you see that the cron jobs are running and are running for more than a minute and still email is not going out then it is a problem with the workflow
is used to protect scripts written in php by encoding and decoding it. it is used to tackle data theft and for increasing the security. It is used to decrypt the encoded modules and extensions. Workflows that involve the use of encrypted modules and extensions, only work if the ion cube loader is installed on the server.
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