On installation of extension pack, some users face the Invalid user Id error
On installation of extension pack, some time user face this error, Invalid user ID and it should be resolved in order to use the extension pack Here is a screenshot, how it appears
This happens because the users data is not saved properly in the fields and causes the issue with extension pack
First, you have to locate who is the user, whose data is causing the problem. For example in the above screenshot User Id 46 is causing the problem Once, you locate the user associated to that user I.d. Go edit and save the user profile data of that user again and it will It will save the data related to that user again and into the right fields and the error will be resolved
While accessing the VTExperts extension pack, users encounter an issue showing cannot connect to the server
There can be two major reasons because of which the clients CRM is unable to connect with the license panel 1: The license panel's IP is not whitelisted 2: The OpenSSL certificate version of the client CRM is older the 1.0 version
You can also check the version of SSL using the following method
curl --version
You see the version "OpenSSL/xxxx" as in screenshot:
If the OpenSSL is old then you need to update it.
To update OpenSSL, run this:
sudo apt-get install openssl
Tell the client to check the following two things
1: The license panel's IP is whitelisted 2: Check the version of OpenSSL, it should be at least 1.0 version or newer
Verify server requirements
Once the extension has been installed – you will need to open the Extension (Premium) and verify server requirements.
To do so, go to “CRM Settings” > “Other Settings” > “Extension Pack”. (You can also click the icon in the header to complete the install).
IonCube Loader 5.x. Click here for instructions.
PHP-SOAP. Click here for instructions.
PHP.ini. Click here for instructions.
Extension Pack: Verify Requirements
Created by
Chris (September 06, 2024)
While signing up for the extension pack, the register button is greyed out and became unclickable
While signing up for the extension pack, the register button is greyed out and became unclickable
This issue is caused because the extension pack is not enabled in the module manager
Enable the VTExperts Extension pack from the module manager by checking the empty checkbox
Once done the register button will become clickable
Register button is greyed out when creating a new account
Created by
Salman (March 04, 2022)
The following error is caused by PHP version upgrade on the server. At the time the extensions were installed, they were encoded for specific version of PHP. Now that it has changed, it can not read the files anymore.
Fatal error: The file /var/www/.....VTEStore/models/Module.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6 and cannot run under PHP 7.1 or later. Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP 7.1. in Unknown on line 0
Here’s how to fix this:
Rename all VTE Extension folders in /your_vtiger_folder/modules/. For example, if you have /modules/VTEStore/ you rename VTEStore to VTEStore2, etc... You need to do it for VTE Extensions only.
Download extension pack install from:
Install extension pack on your vtiger
Upgrade all extensions to latest version. Here's how:
When installing the extension pack, sometimes it shows LBL requirement error
When installing the extension pack, it shows LBL requirement error and the installation of the extension pack cannot proceed
Here is an image of the LBL reequipment error
To resolve this issue, the user needs to upgrade the extension pack engine to the latest version
To update the extension pack engine to the latest version, Scroll down to the bottom of extension pack screen. There you upgrade the extension pack engine button Click it and upgrade the extension pack engine
Once the extension pack engine is upgraded. Then click on LBL_Install and the issue will be resolved
When installing the extension pack, sometimes it shows LBL requirement error
Created by
Salman (10 December 2021)
Extension Pack redirects user to hatchuck.form.html:
Also, if you would open e.g https://subDomain.yourDomain.com/fileNameThatDoesNotExist.php - The page that will open will be Vtiger login page.
This behavior is possibly caused by .htaccess with 'mod_rewrite' rule.
The rule:
The .htaccess file causing this is likely NOT in vtiger folder, but in the parent folder.
Edit (Or create new) .htaccess file in Vtiger folder and turn off RewriteEngine.
Add the following:
Modify .htaccess file in the Vtiger Parent Folder and turn off RewriteEngine (as in Solution #1).
Important: Understand the root cause before considering Solution #2 instead of #1
Now, what is the root cause of this issue?
The issue arises when Vtiger is installed in the WordPress directory.
Based on what we've seen, when using CPanel the yourDomain.com is usually pointing to the public_html e.g
And if WordPress is installed on the yourDomain.com - that folder will have .htaccess automatically generated by WordPress which must include the RewriteEngine configuration.
Now, when you add a subdomain via CPanel, the folder subdomain will usually point to
Assume yourSubDomain is where Vtiger is installed.
What happens next is, that Vtiger folder (yourSubDomain) may or may not have .htaccess, and if it does - it's likely that it will not have RewriteEngine rule (whatever the rule might be).
In standard CPanel configuration, the .htaccess rules will be inherited by all the subfolders, which in this case includes Vtiger folder.
Here's an example
If Vtiger Folder does NOT have .htaccess file then it will inherit .htaccess rules from the parent folder (WordPress) as if the .htaccess file was in Vtiger Folder.
That means that the sames rules will apply to Vtiger folder (from WordPress folder)
However, if you create .htaccess file in Vtiger Folder - it will no longer inherit from parent/WordPress folder and the Rewrite rule will not apply.
Keep in mind:
This might also apply to different CMS engines other than WordPress.
Also, there might not be an actual website in the parent folder, but there might be .htaccess.
This would also apply if there is a more complicated folder structure e.g:
It's all about the inheritance from the parent folder.
What are the steps to enable php-imagick (ImageMagick)?
php-imagick (ImageMagick) is a php extension that is required to use our Email Marketing plugin for VTiger. In most cases, it will be pre-installed on your server/hosting, however if you spot warning message when creating email templates – you then need to enable/install php-imagick.
If you are server administrator, you will need to log into terminal (SSH) using putty and install imagick.
Ubuntu: Run “apt-get install php-imagick” and restart your webserver.
Debian: Run “apt-get install php-imagick and restart your webserver.
Centos: Run “yum install php-imagick” and restart your webserver.
If none of those work – please try google and see what you can come with. Every server is unique and it’s hard to explain in a tutorial that applies to all.
If your VTiger is hosted at hostgator, godaddy, deamhost, siteground, etc.. shared plan – it is your best bet to either contact the hosting provider and ask to enable php-imagick, or search for instructions on their wiki/help site.
*Tip: If you have access to CPanel, you might be able to do that yourself. Find “PHP Configuration” in CPanel, open it and check the ‘php-imagick’ extension in the list available. Note, this might not apply to everyone but is the most common way to enable php-imagick on shared server.
If your VTiger is hosted on Windows server, it is likely that your webserver already has php-imagick files, but it might not be enabled. To enable the extension – locate php.ini and in the file there should be a line with ‘imagick’ (just search for that in the file) and remove the ; so it’s “extension=php_imagick.dll”. Once you do that, save php.ini and restart your webserver. Detailed instructions can be found here:
How To Enable php-imagick (ImageMagick)
Moved By
Chris (29 Jan, 2025)