Can a user parse data from email to RTF field type?
Does user wants to parse email data into the custom RTF field, created through advance custom field? Is it possible
the data that will be parsed from email to a RTF field will not be shown in its original form, instead the data will contain HTML Tags and names when showing in the RTF field
The reason behind this issue is that the RTF field in Vtiger and the data from the email do not have the same format, that is why it shows HTML tags and names in the parsed data
Create workflow which would "Add Comment" using the description content. The comment should support RTF and that could likely be a solution
Using advance custom field, user can add an upload field into the VTiger CRM
How many files can a single advance custom upload field can hold?
The advance custom upload field can only save one file at a time. Once, a user upload the second file in the same custom upload field the first one is removed
When the second file is uploaded, first one is removed
Here is the link to the video showcasing the property of the underdiscussion feature
Rich Text field and upload field created through advance custom field cannot be edit in overlay edit (edit as a realted module entry)
When a user try to edit a related record advance custom field (Using overlay edit options) specifically (upload and RTF field) it malfucntions?
Advance custom field does not support the overlay edit options. That is why when a user try to edit RTF or custom upload field through layover edit options, these fields appear as a text field instead of upload or RTF field
Lets take example to further clarify this issue
Contacts have two custom fields by the name of Upload image 2 which is a custom upload field and RTF test which is a rich text field
Now, lets access and try to edit them from organization module's over lay edit option
Go to organzation and access the contacts from there
Open a contact through organization's overlay view and try to edit it
RTF and upload fields appear as simple text field in overlay edit option
Custom assigned to fields does not display correct results in lists and filters
Custom Assigned To fields created with Advanced Custom Fields extension do not play nice in the lists/filters, especially if you search by one of the assigned to fields (standard or custom)
The issue comes from the query generator in vtiger core and the results are not accurate upon search. That's one of the limitations of custom assigned to field.
Here is a PDF showing the Solution :
Custom assigned to fields does not display correct results in lists and filters
Created by
Salman (April 06, 2023)