7. How to uninstall Corrensa
This guide shows how can you uninstall Corrensa from VTiger CRM
Last updated
This guide shows how can you uninstall Corrensa from VTiger CRM
Last updated
How can an admin user uninstall Corresna from VTiger CRM system?
Usually Vtiger extensions can be removed using module manager
But in case of Corrensa it only allows you to configure and check integrity of extension from module manager
So, in order to uninstall the corrensa. Visit the following URL http://vtiger_url/index.php?module=Corrensa&parent=Settings&view=Uninstall
Make sure to replace "http://vtiger_url/index.php" with your CRM URL
Add "?module=Corrensa&parent=Settings&view=Uninstall" to the end of the URL and it will take you to the Corresa Uninstall page
Upon clicking on the "Yes" it will remove the Corrensa from your Vtiger CRM system
How to uninstall Corrensa from Vtiger
Created by
Salman (February 03, 2022)