It is a common issue faced by many users that when document manager is accessed from the extension pack it shows the handler not found error
Here is a video for reference
The configuration button from the extension page is not set up properly which is why it is causing the issue
We are working to connect the configuration button to the settings of the extension
Meanwhile, kindly access the document manager extension from the tools
Here is a video for reference
Document Manager "Handler not found"
Created by
Salman (August 24, 2021)
How to increase the maximum file upload size for the extension Document Manager
The user wants to increase the maximum upload size as the current upload size for document manager is not enough for the user
User can increase the maximum upload size, but for that client needs to make the changes from the back end of the CRM system
Access the server and make the following changes in the code
In file File: config.inc.php (vtigercrm folder) change the maximum upload size The code will look like somewhat this $upload_maxsize = 314572800;
Go to file: php.ini (apache/webserver folder e.g /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini. Folder depends on the server/setup). upload_max_filesize = 2M Increase this value to 100M. default is 2M. post_max_size = 2M increase this value to 100M. default is 2M.
Make sure to restart apache/webserver after php.ini changes (the change does not become active until apache is restarted).
How to increase the maximum file upload size for the extension Document Manager
Created by
Salman (08/12/2021)