Email will be sent to everyone in the follow list, except the updater, when record is updated (that is, for every little update or just when record is edited and saved button clicked?) Email is sent to followers, except the updater: Correct. Email is sent ONLY when at least ONE field has changed. Email is NOT sent when none of the fields have changed (except "Modified Time/Modified By) Here is an example: for 1 email will not be sent and for 2 email will be sent
Follow feature not sending emails to the followers? It is a standard Vtiger issue and we can resolve it for you as per incident support
Can a user use “follow list” on workflows so he/she can send notifications to followers on time interval basis?
Currently this is not supported in Standard Vtiger. But, we can customize this feature for you this feature.
When doing multiple updates on a record within, let’s say, one to five minutes interval, will the followers receive one email for each update or a single email comprising the updates made since the last cron job execution?
The email is sent ON SAVE, meaning if you edit+save records 2x times within 1 minute, you will get 2x emails
We can add interval based notifications. but, it will be a billable support and will cost $750.
The assigned user do not receive notifications in the same way the followers do, but only through workflows. Right?
Yes, the assigned to user do not receive notification in same manner as followers. But, we can customize this feature for you where the assigned to user will be treated as follower as well, but it will be a billable task and will cost $500
Can we automatically add some of the users in the follow list upon creation of a record?
This is not available in standard Vtiger, however we can customize this feature for $400
Can all the participants of a group (e.g. Sales team) added to the followers list once a new record is created, while the user who created the record is not part of that group?
Yes, this can be done through customization, it will cost $350