5. How to increase the scheduled workflow limit (by default its 10) in Vtiger CRM


A limitation of Vtiger CRM workflows is that it does not allow to create more than 10 scheduled workflows. How to resolve it?


VTiger CRM limits the scheduled workflows to 10 only, but it can be increased easily. It was done intentionally, to limit the resource consumption by the CRM system

Following are the two methods using which you can increase the scheduled workflow limit

1. By making changes in the core code

Go to

// modules/com_vtiger_workflow/vtworkflowmanager.inc

Make the changes in line 113

// function getmaxallowedscheduledworkflows() {
       return 10;

2. Using config.inc.php

Go to config.inc.php. and set the limit as per your requirement, for example in the below command we want to increase it to 15

//  $max_scheduled_workflows = '15';
Vtiger CRM Generic


How to increase the scheduled workflow limit (by default its 10) in Vtiger CRM

Moved by

Chris (September 23, 2024)

Last updated