6. How to find a custom field number by its name in CRM and vice versa
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Can we find a custom field number in the CRM by its name? and can we find the name of the field if we know the field number?
Yes, you can find the custom field name by its field number and field number by its field name in the CRM system
Let's check it with an example
User has a field number of a custom field created in the project task module (i.e. CF_1805) and wants to search for the related field name. Here is process how they can find it
Go to the module, in this case it is project tasks and open new record creation window
2. Right click on screen and choose "Inspect" option
The following window will appear
3. Hover mouse cursor to the element section and press CTRL+F, a search bar will start appearing at the bottom of the window
4. Type in the field number in the search bar "CF_1805" and press enter. Keep hitting enter until you see result similar to the one shown in below image. Once you hover mouse cursor on the result, it will highlight the field in upper half window
This shows that the name of the field is "Engagement specialist"
Follow the above mentioned step up to step 3. After that, search the field name in the search bar and in the result it will show the field number. Here is a screenshot for reference
How to find a custom field number by its name in CRM and vice versa
Moved by
Chris (August 24, 2024)